Although I mostly use and endorse Yamaha Drums and Grover Pro Drums, I recently picked up a silver sparkle Drum Workshop Mini Pro kit. I think it was intended to be a kid’s drum set, but when I heard it in the shop I was blown away. Out of the box… 16″ kick, 12″ snare, 10″ tom, 13″ floor tom, dw4000 bass drum pedal, dw4000 hi-hat stand, snare stand. throne, and a retro ‘off the bass drum’ cymbal arm!
It has an amazing sound, great for RnB gigs. The hardware is a bit too light. But, load-in and out can be done in one trip! The kick drum needs a proper bass drum mic which needs to go through a PA system. That adds the fat bottom to a really punchy sounding kick. Take one for a spin if you catch em’ in the stores.